Great Britain & Ireland - more information

Biological Engeneering Systems
The effect of waves and currents along river banks will give rise, in some circumstances, to damage unless a system of erosion control is installed. Mans encroachment onto the natural landscape must take into account the interests of environmental protection, recreation and the opportunity for the population to experience the benefits.Today more than ever, we must combine the needs of the population with the efficient upkeep of our natural assets.
Reasonable procedures and careful treatment of our environmental assets must govern of all our actions. It is an essential requirement that the world remains "liveable" and attractive for our descendants.

The use of living 'engineering biology' provides methods of construction which fit in with ecological needs. Such methods cannot always replace purely hard engineering solutions, but they can in many cases, come very close to natural developments.
Our company has, right from its inception, devoted itself to this isssue. We are certain that suitable solution acceptable to the Environmentalist and Engineer can be found when our knowledge and expertise is applied.

The use of living 'engineering biology' provides methods of construction which fit in with ecological needs. Such methods cannot always replace purely hard engineering solutions, but they can in many cases, come very close to natural developments.
Our company has, right from its inception, devoted itself to this isssue. We are certain that suitable solution acceptable to the Environmentalist and Engineer can be found when our knowledge and expertise is applied.

Restoration of lakesides
Boatwash and wind generated waves are often the cause of steeply eroding banks. A good stand of wetland plants, once establised, can withstand reasonable wave impact. Many species are able to dissipate wave energy through leaf and tem elasticity. A wave-breaker of pregrown Fibre Rolls™, or in more severe situations Rock Rolls™, calms the water, helps contain the substrate and supports growth.
Nonetheless, only vigorous stand of vegetation are capable of spreading. Pregrown Plant Pallets™ endure wave action and protect root and rhizomes, even in exposed sites.

Erosion control with herbaceous and woody plants
In turbulent rivers and lakes the erosive forces may wash away soil, plants and seeds, so preventing the establishment of indigenous vegetation. Environmental as well as aesthetic solutions can be catered for using fibre modules planted with woody or emergent species. Pregrown Plant Pallets™ and Plant Carpets ™ are live, biodegradable filters which collect and hold sediments. Densely planted and thoroughly rooted, they develop into a thriving wetland community.
To get further informations do not hesitate to contact us!